I'm just a crazy mixed up kid,

Somehow my Ego can't get on with my Id, Behind my Personna there's no Self at all! Worse than cats and FidoThat's my Libido!

In good Victoria's glorious days

When girls were girls and boys were boys, They spared the rod and spoiled the child And no one thought: How odd of GodUntil they heard of Oscar Wilde . . .

A flippant note? 'Tis no mere rumour, And let's not lose our sense of humour Which now regains its former animus, Endorsed by the Court unanimous Of Uncle Sam―our rhyme read true Of Samuel and of Montagu. To look for gender just at pants Is a sign of invincible ignorance, And when the Press kicks up a fuss Think of the words of the dying Huss; For it is the function of the silly ass To merit each day his Sancta Simplicitas... The fact remains that since we left the sea, And took to climbing the forbidden tree Of Science which is memory put in pickle To keep it safe from Time's destructive sickleThough we advance, like Mrs. Lot, the knack Of looking only forwards is our lack . . . The past, it seems, is not ours to reject, The past in us selects when we select:

Should we then crawl, or praise the man erect?

Is Guilt the point where past and future meet? . . .

One maxim for the present then: Excrete!

Science means trial and failure, progress by fits and starts, Release from breeding fructifies the arts, Nature ignores dull don's dichotomies

As healthy men fly from lobotomies.

Nature's wise plan tries everything-in vainA few things work, and these she tries again; 'Tis not her aim to paint in white and black-

She daubs with wild abandon and no lack

Of mingled greys. To follow Nature, as the sage has said We must eschew wild fancies in the head,

Though to be faithful to her marvelous antics Defies the modest means of man's semantics. Each thing is what it is, and has the right To justify its being in All Being's sightAgainst the adepts of collective smear

Who damn the whole with one outrageous queer; The flunkey clerk who fats on fancied crimes; Against the Law, framed by small men and times.
